Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catching up...

So…. It’s been a while…
I got sort of frustrated with this blog. I was trying to personalize it and ad all of this fun background stuff, but it was just messing up. Nothing was centered. I think I have fixed it now...
Also... we have had a lot going on... There was halloween, Addison's birthday, and our trip to florida for Christmas. I will post pictures slowly but surely.

Now, I am three weeks into my L.A.S.T semester of nursing school! Yay! I have started precepting and I am in the PACU (post anesthesia care unit). This is a time where I basically work a full shift with a RN who has agreed to be a preceptor and teach the student what she does throughout her day. I have learned a lot so far... So that has been what is going on...

Where did I leave off? Oh… Dad’s wedding back in October:

We had a good time. Mennette was beautiful...

The “minister” was interesting….

and Addison was distracted during the ceremony… of course, but she was so beautiful in her dress.

I love my siblings...

.. and my husband :)

And my little girl... :)

That's all for now.... Until next time ...

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